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Jimi Hendrix - Hallandale 18 May 1968 (1968)

Track listing:
  1. Foxy Lady 5:27
  2. Fire 3:39
  3. Hear My Train A Comin' 7:02
  4. Purple Haze 4:42
  5. Announcements 0:20


"Underground Pop Festival," Gulf Stream Race Track

A tape survives of only four songs from the show. Miami was apparently intended to be recorded for a live album, and the available tape is indeed an excellent soundboard recording. The stereo imaging is strange, with drums on one side, bass on the other, and Jimi guitar and vocals more or less center. The drum sound in particular is outstanding- nice, as Mitch is usually the first to suffer from audience tapes, not usually being mic'ed through the PA. The mix fluctuates a bit, with vocal and guitar levels fading out at times, and various amounts of reverb being added. I'd like to think that this is evidence of a rough mix from a multitrack tape that (one can always hope) still exists somewhere!! A couple of notes on the songs from Miami:

* 'Foxy Lady' goes a bit longer than usual before vocals enter, otherwise a fairly typical reading

* 'Fire' cooks nicely and benefits greatly from the crisp drum recording- the tempo is fast and really shows off Mitch's chops! Coming out of Jimi's first solo, the band lose each other for a moment, and Jimi keeps right on soloing through what would normally be the next verse, catching up to the vocals the next time around...

* 'Hear my Train' the second regular concert appearance (save an early BBC take). In fact, Jimi introduces it by saying "..this is the second time we've played this...just a slow jam.." then you can hear him, off mic, saying to Mitch and Noel "...this is that thing we were doing in E, y'know da, da, da, dada da...". The song is still taking shape and wanders a little. It's fairly slow, though Mitch kicks it into double-time at a couple of points. Also, they don't consistently do the 'stop' in the verse or the chord change in the chorus.

* 'Purple Haze' a pretty straight reading, and the last song of set as you hear the band say goodbye, followed by somebody trying to convince the crowd to be cooperative as they've gone overtime...