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Robert Fripp & The League Of Gentlemen - Paradise, Boston June 25, 1980 (2nd Show) (1980)

Track listing:
  1. Fripp's Opening Comments 0:46
  2. Inductive Resonance I 5:15
  3. Trap 4:55
  4. Heptaparaparshinokh 2:17
  5. Thrang Thrang Gozinbulx I 3:13
  6. Boy At Piano 4:15
  7. Christian Children Marching, Singing 3:58
  8. Dislocated I 5:15
  9. Improv 2:01
  10. Minor Man 3:41
  11. Thrang Thrang Gozinbulx Ii 3:09
  12. Ooh! Mr. Fripp 4:56
  13. Farewell Johnny Brill 4:39
  14. Eye Needles 4:19
  15. Inductive Resonance Ii 5:19
  16. Encore Break With Commentary 4:24
  17. Thrang Thrang Gozinbulx Iii 3:31
  18. Dislocated Ii 5:41


Robert Fripp- guitar
Barry Andrews- second guitar
Sara Lee- bass
Johnny Too Bad- drums

performance quality: B+
recording quality: B+
source: master audience tape

lineage: Realistic twinhead stereo microphone >
Sony 158 cassette deck (dolby off) >
Maxell XL-I cassette (normal bias/EQ) >
played on Naka. 125 into soundforge 4.5 >
FLAC 6 > torrent.

seeder's notes:
This has a few mike knocks in it, but what remains now is not very
noticable after remastering, and only one of them is during a song (the 1st song). The presence
of everything is very nice here. A This and That, You Are There production (this is what
developed almost 10 years later into Glasnost Radio Productions, among other things. TAT
productions had just turned 3 years old when this was done. If it does not sound like you are
there, no matter WHOSE production made it, it is NOT a "You are There" production. Period,
end of discussion. Those are the rules at This and That, and Glasnost Radio Productions.
If it does, no matter who made it, then it IS a "You are There" production. Same rule applies
there. Glasnost Radio Productions evaluates our own and other's productions with quality grades,
We have You are there, You're Almost there, you're kinda sorta there, and Wish You were There
productions who you won't be hearing anything from in glasnostrd19 uploads. We've all had a
few of those. Nobody gets singled out at GRP for one or two WYWT productions, but our patience
is not an eternal force with those who can't do any better than that in several tries. You
only get one chance to record a concert, and batteries are expensive, like Jethro Tull aptly
said, they're not included...)
This is the complete second of 2 shows from the 1st of 2 nights (4 shows over 2 nights)
with Robert Fripp on his only U.S. tour with the League of Gentlemen. I thought I had their
New Haven show too but I haven't seen that tape in years, I think I loaned it to someone
and never saw it again. Too bad, that was a good one too, but the good news, this one is
the best sounding LOG recording I've heard (other than official releases and an FM broadcast
from Europe somewhere.). It comes from my master cassette, which has not been played much at
all, in 3-and-3 step torrent style, no CD's or CD extractions involved in this. It is one of
the best results I ever got out of that twinhead mike (I think I still have it somewhere),
which has been used for about 100 of my recordings (by myself and others). Although hardly
one of my favorite tours for Fripp, this had some interesting music in it. I was about 25 feet
from the stage, maybe 4 feet to the right of dead center view, a very good spot, and to my
surprise, the place was half empty! I was shocked, but it did seem 4 shows for this band was
pushing it a bit. A dance concert with Robert Fripp. Good idea (maybe Blondie should have tried
that when he played a couple of shows with them). If I wasn't recording I would have at least
tried to dance a little. This is music you can dance to, or just listen to. This is a good tight
performance. If you have any interest at all in the League Of Gentlemen's music, you will
want to hear this one. Now remastered on Barney (the newer of my first 2 remaining computers),
no dolby or processing was done (or needed) for this recording except to balance the levels and
apply some ICPVR (individual clap peak volume reduction) to the louder claps and mike bumps.
This sounds better now than ever, and I feel I should share it if for no other reasons than
Robert is in fine form (he seems to like Boston with or without his main crew of Crims) and
you can really hear it all very clearly, up close and personal, even though Robert is not a
very personal type at all, opening this show by insulting his drummer's physique. Neither
Fripp or his drummer will ever be showered with adoration of their bodies, but the drummer
was up to the task of playing a solid show along with the rest of this very unfamiliar
(to me, even now) outfit. I'm very happy with the recording I got of this, and hope you folks
can enjoy it too now that I'm seeding it for the first time ever from the master tape. there
is some commentary in the encore break,
but not much clapping or talk when the music is playing. Not very many people dancing either.
A few, the Paradise even cleared a special floor area so people could actually get up and dance.
Boston locals La Peste opened this show. I don't know if I got there too late to see them, I
usually try to record opening acts (even if I don't know anything about them) and La Peste was
a pretty popular band at this time in Boston. A little too "punky" or new-wavy' for my taste at
the time, but if I had been there for it I would have recorded it. The some 200 people who saw
this show had a good time, so did I, now you can too. Sorry about the total setlistlessness on
this, I probably couldn't pronounce half the titles of these songs even if I knew the titles
anyway. At least you don't need to edit any of the sound files.
and hey, nobody doesn't like Sara Lee! (I love her chocolate cake).